Is this the right Jack Irvine?

First thing’s first, introductions

My name is Jack, I’m currently a third-year undergraduate studying Artificial Intelligence at The University of Edinburgh.

If you’re looking for the former public relations manager for Rangers, or the talented Australian artist behind the album artwork of the Skegss, I’m afraid you’re in the wrong place. Otherwise, hello and welcome to my personal website.

Originally from Shetland, I’ve been fortunate to have had opportunities to travel all around the world, including a year in China where I received a scholarship to study Mandarin Chinese for 11 months. You can read the blog from my time there here.

Aside from academic work, my time is mainly focussed on product development and consultancy as a Director of Potential Innovations Ltd, where I work with leaders in social care and education to develop technical solutions for young people - particularly those with special education needs.

I love solving problems that leverage a range of specialities and backgrounds to build something with real social impact, and the chance to learn something new from the people I work with. My most recent project was the design and development of a Shetland Dictionary app to digitise and preserve Shetland’s local dialect and culture. I worked alongside local charity Shetland ForWirds to build something with a direct benefit for the community, while building my own skills.

I started this website to bring together everything I’m working on and a space to write when I can. If you’d like to get in touch, the best way to reach me is through Linkedin or my email at:

jack [at sign symbol]

If you’re a human (and not a bot scanning for email addresses to spam), thanks for stopping by :)